
Liposuction Sydney

Liposuction can be used on many areas of the body and is commonly used on the abdomen, thighs, arms and buttocks. Dr Flood offers two types of liposuction: tumescent and ultrasonic

Ahpra Reg No: MED0001132610

You should always choose an experienced plastic surgeon to perform body procedures like liposuction.

Sydney area plastic surgeon Dr John Flood has a high level of technical experience. Liposuction surgery requires experience, a trained eye, and a detailed treatment plan.

Liposuction in Sydney

In Sydney, liposuction can be used on many areas of the body and is commonly used on the abdomen, thighs, arms and buttocks. Dr Flood offers two types of liposuction: tumescent and ultrasonic.

Tumescent liposuction

Tumescent liposuction involves infusing the treatment area with an anaesthetic solution to help make fat removal easier. A thin cannula (between 2.0 and 3.5 mm in diameter) is then used to suction out the excess fat cells. The tumescent approach reduces blood loss and allows for sufficient healing with less bruising and discomfort.

Ultrasonic Liposuction

Dr Flood often uses ultrasonic liposuction at his Sydney-area practice to assist with fat removal during tumescent liposuction; but in some cases, this technique may be used alone. Ultrasonic liposuction uses a special cannula that emits ultrasound energy to heat and melt fat before it is suctioned out of the body. This makes it easier to remove stubborn fat from fibrous tissues in areas like the flanks. Ultrasonic liposuction can also have a slight tightening effect on the skin, which helps with skin contraction and reduces rippling.

What To Expect

Dr Flood will explain each procedure in detail and suggest the appropriate method of liposuction based on your personal needs. He will work with you to develop a surgical plan that you feel comfortable with.

Initial Consultation

Dr Flood will first examine the tissues requiring liposuction in order to determine which treatment should be used. He will also take photographs to help him analyse your body shape and the appropriate approach to surgery. You may be invited back for a second consultation so that Dr Flood can answer any questions you have and finalise the surgical details. Dr Flood will give you suggestions on how to support your recovery and results, such as avoiding blood thinning agents for two weeks before your procedure.

Your Surgery

Liposuction can usually be performed under a light anaesthetic and does not require an overnight stay. However, for more extensive procedures, Dr Flood may use general anaesthetic for added comfort. For most surgeries, Dr Flood uses the tumescent approach and begins by injecting the treatment area with a tumescent solution. He then inserts the cannula through small incisions and gently moves it back and forth to suction out the fat cells. The ultrasonic liposuction cannula may be used during this step to assist with fat removal, depending on the patient.

After Your Procedure

Liposuction can usually be performed under a light anaesthetic and does not require an overnight stay. However, for more extensive procedures, Dr Flood may use general anaesthetic. For most surgeries, Dr Flood uses the tumescent approach and begins by injecting the treatment area with a tumescent solution. He then inserts the cannula through small incisions and moves it back and forth to suction out the fat cells. The ultrasonic liposuction cannula may be used during this step to assist with fat removal, depending on the patient.

Discover Dr. John Flood's 4-step process to make your experience as easy as possible.

Step One

Initial Online Enquiry

Speak with our team, answer any questions, book in an initial consultation

Step Two

Discovery Call

a | Referrer from GP needed b | Initial Consultation - $395 Cosmetic / $345 non cosmetic c | Discuss procedure, options, quote.

Step Three

Second Consult

a | Take photos & Book in surgery

Step Four

Surgery & Post Support

Undergo surgery with Dr. Flood and receive comprehensive post-operative support to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results.

Consultation Appointments Are Available

Contact Dr John Flood to schedule your appointment. One phone number for all our locations