
Skin Cancer Treatment

Early detection and accurate diagnosis are crucial for effective skin cancer treatment. Dr. John Flood offers comprehensive care for removing and reconstructing affected skin areas, providing both medical treatment and aesthetic consideration.

Ahpra Reg No: MED0001132610

In Sydney, skin cancer is a serious concern: approximately two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer before the age of 70.

Early detection and accurate diagnosis from a surgeon like Dr John Flood is important for proper treatment. Dr Flood works with several dermatology specialists in the Sydney area, including laser dermatologists, Mohs dermatologists, skin cancer physicians, and radiation therapists to make sure you receive the appropriate skin cancer treatment. If you have a suspicious mole or lesion, contact Dr Flood immediately.

Types Of Skin Cancer

Dr Flood has a keen interest in facial skin cancer surgery. He often treats skin cancer of the scalp, forehead, eyelids, cheeks, lips, and ears, and he sub-specialises in nose reconstruction. Three of the most common forms of cancer he treats at his office are:

Basal Cell Carcinoma BCC

Most cases of skin cancer in are abnormal, uncontrollable growths known as basal cell carcinoma. BCC is usually the result of prolonged sun damage and therefore develops in exposed areas. A BCC lesion may resemble a sore or scar and can be red, pearly, pink, or pale in colour. Sometimes, it may appear as a depression or scaly area in the skin. BCC is usually treated with surgery but may require more aggressive approaches in advanced stages.

Squamous cell carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma is not as common as BCC, but it can be more severe since it has the potential to spread to other organs. SCC usually appears as a small scaly red patch or wart-like growth that may crust, bleed, or sting. If SCC is caught in the superficial stages, before it invades the skin, it can be treated with creams or liquid nitrogen. Once the disease has progressed, surgical intervention and possible radiation is recommended.


The deadliest form of skin cancer is melanoma due to its ability to rapidly spread throughout the body. Melanoma typically looks like a mole, and can develop from moles, but may also appear as a black, brown or red spot. Melanoma is treatable if it is diagnosed early and can be removed through skin excision. However, ongoing checkups are necessary to detect recurrence.

What To Expect

Dr Flood treats 900 to 1,000 new cases of skin cancer every year. He combines his knowledge of oncology (study of cancer) with his experience as a reconstructive and plastic surgeon to treat the cancer while obtaining the most aesthetically pleasing wound repair.

Initial Consultation

A thorough skin examination will be performed so that Dr Flood can accurately identify the lesion. He will note the size, shape, colour and texture of the area and may also check your lymph glands for signs of swelling. If the skin mark is questionable, a biopsy may be needed for definitive diagnosis.

Your Surgery

Your treatment will greatly depend on the type of skin cancer present, as well as the stage and location of the disease. Usually, surgical excision under local anesthetic or twilight sedation is used to remove the tumor. Dr Flood uses surgical techniques to inconspicuously close the wound and to try and obtain the best possible scar outcome. Sometimes, skin flaps or grafts are required to avoid distortion of certain facial features.

After Your Procedure

Simple skin cancer procedures generally do not require much recovery time. A dressing or bandage will be placed on the treatment area to protect the skin as it heals. It’s important to avoid all sun exposure during this time and use any prescribed creams or ointments as directed. Dr Flood is dedicated to providing you with the best treatment. He works with many dermatologists and skin cancer physicians in the area and frequently refers out when additional support is needed. Dr Flood also works with Moh’s dermatologists through the Darlinghurst and Westmead Skin & Cancer Foundation for complex facial skin cancer excisions and reconstructions.

Discover Dr. John Flood's 4-step process to make your experience as easy as possible.

Step One

Initial Online Enquiry

Speak with our team, answer any questions, book in an initial consultation

Step Two

Discovery Call

a | Referrer from GP needed b | Initial Consultation - $395 Cosmetic / $345 non cosmetic c | Discuss procedure, options, quote.

Step Three

Second Consult

a | Take photos & Book in surgery

Step Four

Surgery & Post Support

Undergo surgery with Dr. Flood and receive comprehensive post-operative support to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results.

Consultation Appointments Are Available

Contact Dr John Flood to schedule your appointment. One phone number for all our locations