

As we age, gravity can cause the skin to sag as vital tissues break down, leading to the appearance of skin laxity.

Dr John Flood can address skin laxity on the face with customised techniques for facelift surgery at his Sydney practice.

Facial ageing manifests differently in each person. Dr Flood carefully evaluates each patient in order to choose the proper operative technique so that he can appropriately address the areas that are of most concern to you.

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Phone: (02) 9476 8066

MED0001132610 - Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. Find more information here.


Facelift (Rhytidectomy) Surgery Sydney

There are several ways to perform facelift (rhytidectomy) surgery. Sydney plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Dr. John Flood, uses three approaches based on the degree of ageing present in each case.

Short Scar Facelift (Rhytidectomy)

A short scar facelift may be suited for patients in their 40s and 50s who have some level of skin sagging along the jawline or “parentheses” (smile lines) around the mouth. Dr Flood addresses this by using short incisions placed along the creases in front of and just behind the ear. He then tightens the underlying tissues. Fat grafting may also be used to address the shape of the face.

Mid-Facelift (Rhytidectomy)

Men and women concerned with sagging of the cheeks or hollowing under the eyes may be suitable candidates for a mid-facelift. This procedure is typically appropriate for individuals who want to address the shape or size of the cheeks. Dr Flood places incisions inside the mouth and scalp and elevates the facial fat pads to add volume to specific areas.

Extended Facelift (Rhytidectomy)

A significant amount of skin laxity or facial fat loss can be treated with an extended facelift. Usually, this technique involves a neck lift and requires an overnight hospital stay. Dr Flood may also recommend facial implants to adjust the shape of the chin or cheek. Individuals in their 60s or older who have a substantial amount of sagging skin around the neck and mid-face may be suitable candidates for this procedure.

What To Expect

Facelift (rhytidectomy) surgery is a highly individualised procedure that requires a unique approach to treatment. During a consultation, Dr Flood will take the time to educate you about the possible complications and other important factors of each procedure.

Initial Consultation

Dr Flood will thoroughly assess the brows, eyelids, face, and neck when determining a suitable, personalised approach to your surgery. He will look for factors such as facial atrophy (fat loss), ptosis, and sun damage. Based on these factors, Dr Flood will then suggest a short scar, mid, or extended facelift (rhytidectmy). He may also recommend eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or a brow lift to address the upper face.

Dr. Flood has extensive training in facial anatomy and provides each patient with a comprehensive analysis to treat not only skin concerns but structural concerns as well. In order to get effective results from facelift (rhytidectomy) surgery, he may also suggest cheek implants or a fat grafting procedure to address symmetry and the shape and structure of the face.

Your Surgery

You will receive either local anaesthetic with intravenous sedation or general anaesthetic, depending on your procedure and preferences. Incisions are precisely planned and hidden within anatomic lines or inside the mouth or scalp in order to conceal scarring. Dr Flood will use several techniques that may involve tightening the muscles, removing skin, and repositioning fat tissue.

After Your Procedure

Recovery from facelift (rhytidectomy) surgery will vary with each technique. Usually, short scars or mid-facelifts require about one week of recovery before the patient can resume work or normal activities. An extended facelift (rhytidectomy) may take 10 days to two weeks and generally creates more swelling than the short scar or mid-facelifts (rhytidectomy). Other temporary effects may include different degrees of bruising and tenderness that should subside over the course of several weeks. The results of facelift surgery are fully present after one to four months. Results are personalised and generally vary from patient to patient. The effects are long-lasting and may be visible for 5 to 10 years after surgery. For effective results, Dr Flood may recommend fat grafting six months after your procedure or wrinkle reduction treatments. Additional treatments for sun damage and uneven skin tone can be performed with cosmetic laser treatments.


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