
Abdominoplasty in Sydney

Dr John Flood performs abdominoplasty surgery in Sydney. This procedure involves the removal of redundant skin and fat on the abdomen. The abdominal muscles can also be addressed with the procedure. 

The procedure is performed under a general anaesthetic, and you usually spend two nights in hospital. Drains are used and usually removed after about five days. Recovery is usually a few weeks, and you can then return to work and normal activities.


You will have a compression garment on when you wake up, and this will stay on for the next few weeks to help support healing. A scar will be made across your lower abdomen. Dr Flood recommends his scar fade regimen, which includes massage and cream for three to six months.

The goals of abdominoplasty are to address the appearance of the abdominal wall while leaving minimised scars.

The following elements are seen to variable degrees in all patients seeking abdominoplasty:

  • Skin laxity
  • Excessive fatty tissue
  • Muscular weakness
  • Scarring, including striae

How Does It Work?

Goals of Abdominoplasty

Depending on the degree of skin laxity, excess fat and muscle wall laxity will dictate the type of abdominoplasty that is required.

In category 1, where there is mild skin laxity, minimal excess of subcutaneous fat and mild lower abdominal wall muscle laxity, then a mini abdominoplasty is appropriate.

In category 2, where there is moderate skin laxity, moderate subcutaneous fat excess and moderate lower abdominal wall laxity, then a standard abdominoplasty procedure is appropriate.

In category 3 cases, where there is severe skin laxity, significant subcutaneous fat excess and significant lower and upper abdominal wall laxity, then an extended abdominoplasty procedure is required in association with liposuction.

The Basic Steps of Abdominoplasty

The basic steps of an abdominoplasty involve:

  • Pre-operative markings whilst the patient is standing upright. The incision line lies on the upper border of the pubic hairline. The incision line is extended to stay within the pelvic region enabling the scar to be covered by the patient’s underpants.
  • The lower abdominal skin/fat flap is elevated up to the rib cage.
  • Lower abdominal skin/fat flap is elevated up to the rib cage.
  • Sutures are placed in the fascia overlying the rectus muscles to tighten the abdominal wall.
  • The redundant skin/fat having been pulled downwards is removed.
  • The umbilicus is relocated into its normal position in the midline of the abdominal wall.
  • Liposuction may be added to address the final contour of the waistline and flanks.
  • Drains are inserted to remove any fluid or blood that may accumulate beneath the skin flap.
  • An abdominal girdle is worn. It is placed on the patient in the operating room.

The Operation

The procedure is performed under general anaesthetic. The patient stays in hospital usually two to three nights. Patients can shower the following day after surgery. On discharge patients are usually sent home with one drain still in place. A district nurse reviews the patient on a daily basis and the drains are usually removed day 7 post-op at home. All stitches used in surgery are dissolvable saving the patient the need for stitch removal.

Most patients require a period of two up to three weeks leave from work. Patients are required to avoid lifting objects heavier than 10kg during the first three weeks. Patients can usually return to exercise and gym activities six weeks post-operatively.

Scar lines are designed to stay hidden within the underpants line of the patient. Scars are usually taped with a skin coloured Micropore tape for a period of three weeks to aid with scar maturation. Most scars take between six and 12 months to fade.

Call Sydney (02) 9476 8066

Consultation Appointments Are Available

Contact Dr John Flood to schedule your appointment.

Phone: (02) 9476 8066

MED0001132610 - Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner. Find more information here.



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